Friday, November 16, 2012

All Purpose Dressing: Elimination Diet Sauce


I've made a salad dressing that I can take with me to restaurants, I know it seems strange at first but I haven't come across a single restaurant that has a dressing I can eat as most contain sugar if not something else on the list.  After a month of having oil and vinegar everywhere I went I decided to make my own dressing portable by using a small camping liquid bottle. 

The mixture is 1/3 Olive Oil, 1/3 Balsamic Vinegar, then fill the rest with a 50/50 split of mustard and agave.  I actually used a little more mustard and a little less agave, but you can mix to taste. This sauce is not just good on salad, I also use it on chicken, fish, potatoes, or anything else that fits my fancy.

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