Friday, November 16, 2012

Mochi Waffles: Elimination Diet Breakfast

So I had heard about this mochi stuff and thought I'd give it a try. It's a rice...errr...slab like thingy you can get in the freezer or fridge section of some grocery stores (the first organic market I tried had three flavors, I got cinnamon raisin).  I wanted it because I'm a big waffle fan and I heard you can just throw a piece in a waffle iron and voila. For syrup substitute I used Summerland Sweets *no sugar added* strawberry syrup, which should be in most grocery stores.

 For my first attempt I simply cut/broke the slab piece into four, put two pieces into the iron and the other two I wrapped and put back into the fridge for later.
 So.... that didn't so much work. After a few minutes it was obvious this wasn't going to cook properly. I took them off and cut them into four strips each. This meant I could actually lock the iron shut too, which I couldn't do before. I think I'll repeat this pattern again though because it was so much easier to cut the warm mochi, so accidentally a great idea.

And look at that! Waffles from nowhere. Kind of.

They look great, don't they.  And now you're wondering how the taste.  Well... They have a very appetizing crisp on the outside. The inside is very very chewy. It's an odd texture for waffles, but actually tasted ok.  Though I wouldn't eat them without a tonne of syrup.  Also, once they start to cool they get even chewier, not good. So cook one at a time, or speed eat.

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